What is the smallest $N$ such that the set of the first $N$ cubes can be partitioned into $K$ subsets whose sums are equal?
(See the original framing in terms of golden orbs at fivethirtyeight)
My approach is not only computational, but pretty brute-force to boot: for each number $K$ of subsets, we step through the sets of the first $N$ cubes, and search the tree of partial assignments of cubes to partitions until we find a complete assignment to $K$ same-sum subsets.
On my PC, this code finds the solution for $K$ up to $8$ in about $72$ minutes: $1, 12, 23, 24, 24, 35, 41, 47$.
I’ll be curious to see if there are analytic approaches to this, or at least more efficient computational ones.
import time
# Returns True if arr can be
# partitioned into K subsets with equal sum
# Modified from a method found online:
# https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/partition-set-k-subsets-equal-sum/
def isEqualSumPartitionPossible(arr, K):
if (K == 1):
return True
# If total number of partitions is more than N, or
# array sum is not divisible by K, then a partition
# into equal-sum subsets is not possible
N = len(arr)
if (N < K):
return False
sum = 0
for i in range(N):
sum += arr[i]
if (sum % K != 0):
return False
targetSum = sum // K
# initialize first subset sum as
# last element of array and mark that as taken
subsetSums = [0] * K
taken = [0] * N
subsetSums[0] = arr[N - 1]
taken[N - 1] = True
# We avoid explicit recursion to hopefully save a
# little runtime, using a state stack instead.
# [Actual result: no time savings.]
stack = [[subsetSums,taken,0,N-1]]
while not stack == [] :
subsetSums,taken,curIdx,limitIdx = stack.pop()
if subsetSums[curIdx] == targetSum:
# current index (K - 2) means we've found
# (K - 1) subsets of sum targetSum. Untaken
# numbers must then form the Kth.
if (curIdx == K - 2):
return True
# otherwise start next partition
# still adding to a partition. we start from limitIdx and add
# untaken elements into current partition
for i in range(limitIdx, -1, -1):
if (taken[i]):
taken[i] = True
subsetSums[curIdx] += arr[i]
# if no greater than targetSum, add task to stack
if (subsetSums[curIdx] <= targetSum):
# unmark the element and remove from sum as we move
# to previous element in arr
taken[i] = False
subsetSums[curIdx] -= arr[i]
return False
# Main loop
startTime = time.time()
K = 0
while True:
K += 1
arr = []
N = 0
while True:
N += 1
if (isEqualSumPartitionPossible(arr, K)):
print(K,N, "in", (time.time()-startTime))